We figured out why the audial social network is rapidly gaining popularity
Now everyone is talking about Clubhouse - a new social network used by celebrities, and you can only create an account there by invitation.

The main feature of the network is that it is completely auditory. Communication takes place by voice only, conversations are conducted in “chat rooms”, which can be accessed through a search or by invitation. While the app is only available for iPhone owners, but soon the platform will be available on Android.
In addition to the chat rooms, there are also clubs - them communities of people with common interests. You can't create an association yourself - so far, only moderators do it.
The room has several types of access: it can be open, private, accessible only to club members or subscribers.

It’s possible to enter the room manually in the app, but more often users get there through a push notification. Push notifications are sent if one of your subscribers is involved in the conversation, and it doesn't matter if they are the creators of the conversation or have just joined the conversation themselves. Thus, the room is growing rapidly, with a maximum capacity of 5 thousand users. Push notifications can be disabled, but there is a risk of missing an interesting conversation because conversations in the app are not saved.
You will also not be able to make a record through third-party programs - the service is protected from such actions and will warn the user about the possible blocking of the account. Clubhouse relies on communication “here and now”, it does not save content. The conversation takes place only at the moment and is no longer repeated, as in live communication.
You don't have to talk in a conversation: you can just listen to other people's conversations as a podcast or radio broadcast. You can even find a room with music and DJ sets.
Why is it so popular?
Clubhouse was found in 2020, but a dramatic increase in popularity occurred at the beginning of 2021 - in less than two weeks, the social network added two million users and continues to grow actively.
People are attracted to the Clubhouse audience and the” closeness " of the network with a hint of elitism. Among the users - Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, and many other celebrities with whom you can easily have a live chat. The intimate atmosphere of the platform attracted not only opinion leaders but also investors.

Facebook can't help but appreciate such popularity. There are rumors that development has already begun to create an audio chat for Instagram, which will duplicate the Clubhouse function. While this information is not officially confirmed, but given the experience of appearing in Instagram stories and masks (as in Snapchat) and live broadcasts (Periscope), it is quite possible.
Clubhouse has already been banned in China. It could not be downloaded from the App Store, but users managed to pass over this ban through foreign Apple IDs and discussed politics, human rights, and other topics banned in the PRC on the air. Now access to the platform is completely blocked by the authorities.
Illustration: dw.com; tjournal.ru