It is expected that Apple will present the first Mac running on Apple Silicon at the next presentation, which will be held on November 10. Microsoft seems ready to keep its promise to support new Macs based on Apple and macOS Big Sur.
Microsoft has already confirmed that Office will run on the new Apple Mac processors. How Word, PowerPoint and Excel function with Apple software was shown at the WWDC Apple event, where they also talked about Apple Silicon.
While it is assumed that this support became possible due to the use of Apple's "Rosetta 2" technology, which allows applications developed for Intel Mac computers to run on Apple Silicon.
In addition, Microsoft showed off a number of new Office for Mac features developed for Apple's new MacOS, which is very similar to the Apple Silicon Mac.
However, Microsoft clearly plans to put make the support for its apps on these new Macs. This is evidenced by the latest update of Office Insider "Slow ring", which introduces several new features and opens support for SQL Open Data Connectivity (ODBC), running on Apple chips in Excel.