We burst the myths and give an honest review of the popular service for creating websites.
When a business is just taking its first steps, the extra expense of developing a full-fledged website can be not reasonable. Then entrepreneurs turn to design sites. The YuSMP Group blog has articles in which we talked about the pitfalls of ready-made solutions and compared several platforms for an online store. This time we will talk about Tilda — one of the most popular website builders in Russia and Ukraine.

The main advantages of the Tilda
What is so attractive about Tilda? First of all, its beauty and simplicity. A small website can be made independently in one evening, and the resource will not look depressing — several hundred templates from the service will help.
So-called developers on Tilda do not need to know the code — all the functionality is in the built-in blocks, in which you can integrate third-party services. Things are easy with analytics: the site will already have built-in services that allow you to track user behavior.
Tilda has its own mailing list service and built-in CRM, while the platform successfully integrates with third-party tools.
Questions that may arise as you use the platform, are perfectly solved by the guide. The document is in the public domain and is extremely clear, so no so-called "Tilde courses" are needed. If no answers are found, the support service is always in touch.
Myths about Tilda
The impossibility of SEO promotion
There is a popular opinion on the web that sites made on the Tilda can not be promoted in search engines. It is not entirely clear what this myth is based on since the platform has tools for promotion: meta tags and title tags, setting up URLs and canonical links, loading favicons, and other necessary attributes of basic SEO. It may be more difficult to promote such a resource to the TOP of a competitive niche, but anything is possible.
Tilda is cheap
Tilda is often considered a rather inexpensive option. But in fact, the free version will not even have its own domain-you do not need to pay for it only when you sign up for an annual subscription, otherwise, the cost of monthly maintenance will be higher.

In addition, if an entrepreneur wants an original design, then he or she will have to attract professionals. There are many templates on the Tilda, but they are all monotonous and the sites made on this platform are as similar as twins. For creative solutions, there is a Zero Block editor, but you should only trust working with it to a good designer, who is not cheap.s
What else you need to know before start working with Tilda
Tilde is good for landing pages, quick projects, and hypothesis testing. But for long-term use, it is relatively inexpensive and has many limitations.
For example, the site can not be fully transferred to another service (most of the elements will be lost), there is no integration with 1C, the resource cannot be scaled. A maximum of 1Gb of server space is not enough for a growing business.
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