The United States government is preparing new lawsuits that are planned to be brought against the most powerful Internet corporations: Google and Facebook. The country's authorities believe that the companies violate antitrust laws.
A large-scale investigation into Amazon, Facebook, Google and Apple began last year, when the authorities began checking companies for possible violations of antitrust laws. And in October 2020, the Justice Department already filed a case against Google, accusing the Corporation of illegally dominating the market for search queries and online advertising. Prosecutors from eleven States joined the Ministry's initiative.
At the beginning of next year, the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission will file charges not only for Google but also for Facebook. The court appeal will set out examples of the actions of companies that led them to an absolutely dominant position in the Internet market.
Even before that it is planned to impose sanctions on Facebook. The restrictions will be imposed due to the fact that the Corporation at one time absorbed the multi-million-dollar social network Instagram and the popular messenger WhatsApp, thereby destroying competition. But if the restrictions for Zuckerberg's company are not yet clear, then Google is under the threat to faces the loss of the Chrome browser and part of the advertising business.
Do you think the US authorities will impose tough sanctions on these corporations?
Photo itc.ua